English language

How to pronounce visible in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms seeable
Derivation visibility, visibleness

a visible object.
visible stars.
mountains visible in the distance.
a visible change of expression.
visible files.
Type Words
Derivation visibility, visibleness

a visible change of expression.
Type Words

a visible supply.
visible resources.

Examples of visible

Using a new machine from New Face, see visible lift results in just one session.
From the desmoinesregister.com
High-neckline jackets and calf-length sequined dresses left little visible skin.
From the online.wsj.com
There isn't a single image visible of Dutch, the Gipper, the Great Communicator.
From the washingtonpost.com
Of course, a light bulb is also more visible just before its filament burns out.
From the sportsillustrated.cnn.com
The most visible example is Webkinz, from privately held Canadian toymaker Ganz.
From the businessweek.com
There has been a visible shift to the cloud by most enterprise software players.
From the forbes.com
All of them are talking more and more about visible, palpable signs of interest.
From the abcnews.go.com
Less visible are men who have been harmed by testing, as Dyroff and Weaver were.
From the charlotteobserver.com
At this hour, the most visible inhabitants of the city are those without a home.
From the thisislondon.co.uk
More examples
  • Capable of being seen; or open to easy view; "a visible object"; "visible stars"; "mountains visible in the distance"; "a visible change of expression"; "visible files"
  • Visible(a): present and easily available; "the cash on hand is adequate for current needs"; "emergency police were on hand in case of trouble"; "a visible supply"; "visible resources"
  • (visibleness) visibility: quality or fact or degree of being visible; perceptible by the eye or obvious to the eye; "low visibility caused by fog"
  • (visibility) degree of exposure to public notice; "that candidate does not have sufficient visibility to win an election"
  • (visibility) capability of providing a clear unobstructed view; "a windshield with good visibility"
  • (visibly) in a visible manner; "he was visibly upset"
  • Visible was an album by Canadian progressive rock band CANO, released in 1985.
  • In meteorology, visibility is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. It is reported within surface weather observations and METAR code either in meters or statute miles, depending upon the country. ...
  • (Visibility (computer science)) In computer science, information hiding is the principle of segregation of design decisions in a computer program that are most likely to change, thus protecting other parts of the program from extensive modification if the design decision is changed. ...